Blu Building Consultants remains committed to delivering value to the local community and has a robust social value policy to implement these plans.

Our first focus is on making sure that we work in tandem with the local community to effectively promote charitable and social causes, as well as directly contribute to them.

The commitment we make to our social value policy is in recognition that every business activity we engage in is an opportunity to interact with the community in a meaningful fashion, allowing us to work with members of the general public.

The approach we take for social value is not only governed by our construction of these plans, but also ensuring that the company leaves an effective legacy for shareholders and staff.

Our teams will consistently endeavour to contribute meaningfully towards the local community by making them aware of what we do and working with local suppliers and talent where possible.

The following are areas that we contribute to meaningfully:

Charity Work

Our team regularly engages in charity work to meaningfully give back to the local community. We actively encourage our staff to work with charities of their choice and support these ventures wherever we can. Our chosen charity this year is Keech Hospice Care in Luton. Keech Hospice Care is a local chairty that provides free, specialist care for adults and children with life-limiting and terminal illnesses.

Charity work is one of the ways that we give back to the community in a meaningful fashion.

Diverse Hiring Practices

We make sure to incorporate diverse hiring practices to make sure that we bring social value to the community. We believe that the best kinds of staff are the ones which form a diverse “cross-section” of local culture, and we offer equal opportunities for everyone.

Well-being Practices

We try to implement practices to safeguard and protect the wellbeing of staff and the community around us. We seek to understand the impact that our work has on both our team and the people in proximity to each project, which is why we frequently ask questions and strive to learn.


We believe wholeheartedly in sustainability, and practice working in such a way that has a positive effect on the environment. ISO 14001

Wherever possible, we attempt to reduce the impact we have on the world around us, and actively explore new environmentally friendly schemes wherever possible. We endeavour to hold all suppliers and partners to the same standard.

Committed to Social Value

Blu Building Consultants are committed to social value. We want to make sure that when we contribute to the world around us, we do so in a deliberate and meaningful fashion. That’s why everything that we do is designed to provide value to the community, whether it’s our various charitable programs, or encouraging our staff to pursue their own community values.

Our ultimate aim is to make sure that every one of the projects that we undertake are going to contribute to the community in a meaningful fashion, and to that end we encourage all manner of social and charitable work amongst our staff, and constantly look to forge meaningful relationships within the community.